A time to reflect…

Hello, Smiling Faces!

We are a couple of days away from year 2021! The majority of 2020, we’ve had to alter our routine due to COVID-19. Just like many, I had major plans for 2020, but that doesn’t mean we have to toss those plans away. It simply means, not at this time. The many lives lost, high unemployment rate and many Americans lacking in major ways, breaks my heart.

In some form or fashion, we all have been impacted. Even if it was in its simplest form. For me, I had to step out on faith and pivot in my healthcare career. I was in leadership, with a huge territory coverage. I traveled for 13 years for the largest healthcare company in the world. I loved my career with this company; but sometimes, things are out of your control or maybe forcing you to jump out the boat…AND soar to new heights! Not one single regret. Trust God’s timing. I built some long lasting relationships/friendships, learned alot and will continue to excel wherever God sees fit.

My pivot was to enhance my existing personal business with Healthcare Consulting. During the pandemic, I created a new website look and love it! With so much knowledge and expertise in the field, I knew it was the perfect move. Being home allowed me to be available to help our son with Virtual Learning, while still consulting. I endured some challenges and wins over the last several months, lacking NOTHING! Thank you, God! The slowness of the last ten months allowed for me to do some internal discovery, healing, purging, learning and shifting. Ohhh… journaling, crafting/creating, enjoying family time and reading some good books! 2021 may bring a new career path. I am praying about a few things.

What is one area you have had to make a shift in 2020? If you stepped out on faith, you already won. Truth be told, with so many increased COVID-19 cases, experts are saying we may endure challenges a little while longer. I am praying for healing. This country is hurting. We have to keep faith, hope and prayer at the forefront. Do not feel pressured to over-achieve. You have nothing to prove. Set your own attainable goals and keep necessary boundaries.

I have a few projects in process (from 2020) and a few ideas brewing for 2021. Honestly, I am not in a rush at all. Stay Tuned. Only time can tell. God is in control. My passion and purpose runs deep in inspiring and encouraging so many. I miss hosting workshops and speaking events! Welcoming the slowness/stillness of what each day brings and enjoying the small things and time with family and friends.

“Even if all your dreams were not realized this year, the chance to dream is a blessing in itself. And another year means hope lives on.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Thank you for your support of my business and reading my blog posts! I appreciate your comments, feedback and suggestions.

Prayers for good health, wisdom and prosperity in 2021!

Happy New Year!


“Empowering and inspiring youth and adults to create their own image of success, as we are unique in our own way.”


Dare To Bloom


Happy Thanksgiving!