Welcome New Blog Followers!Happy Friday! I hope you had a wonderful week! How about this cool, crisp weather? I am so ready for fall!Over the last few weeks, the word FOCUS continuously attacked my brain. As women, we juggle many responsibilities inside and outside of the home, family time, work projects, and personal projects. I have had to remain encouraged for personal sanity. There are personal achievements and goals we have for ourselves and sometimes it can be hard to manage and balance. Focusing on many things takes time and in some cases, discouragement can creep in.Know what actually matters. Be honest with yourself on what you can and cannot commit to. Pick two or three tasks that requires commitment and focus. Stick to those and plan ahead. Preparation is key!Here are a few quick points, that I shared in a blog post in 2016, that is still relevant on today...with some added tips.F - Finish It. Whatever dream or goal you have for 2017, finish it. Carve out some time during the day to meditate, write, and focus. Motivation and determination is key.O - Opportunities. Embrace opportunities that will allow you to gain understanding and experience in the area you are focused on. Do not take for granted the small opportunities.C - Celebrate. Celebrate the milestones along the way. Small steps are just as important as big steps and will allow you the motivation to achieve the huge victory.U - Understand. What are you trying to achieve? Why? Search out sites or links that focus on what you are trying to accomplish to provide guidance along the way.S - Stay Determined. Stay Hungry for what you are trying to achieve. Get advice from trusted individuals. Link up with a mentor to help you stay on track.Encourage yourself and do not give up. If you stay committed, you will break down the barriers and overcome the obstacles. FOCUS!Always SMILE...Sherill