Faith Over Fear
Welcome New Blog Followers!Happy Friday! The weekend is here. Do you have a fear of failure? Whether it is personally or professionally, we will experience this during our lifetime. Everyone fails in life. We all make mistakes. Our mistakes, are learning curves expanding us to grow. We must embrace mistakes, by acknowledging them and moving on. I've been there and we often want to waddle in our failures, instead of examining the choices we made to prevent them from happening again.Before you can begin to overcome fear, you have to identify and understand what thoughts generate your fear. Failure has a way of making us feel helpless or defeated. It causes us to be stressed and full of anxiety. When we fail, we learn. Taking responsibility is about growth. Failure allows for you to redefine your priorities in life. You soon realize what matters most.The most successful people in life experienced numerous setbacks. Often stating, it allowed for them to be successful. Failure is a stepping stone, that we all must cross. Think back over a time that you experienced failure. How did you feel? Hopefully, there were some key points that allowed for you to make some adjustments. Was it a teachable moment?Whenever you feel fear creeping in, immediately begin to reflect on positive things. Change your perspective on fear to being grateful. Don't focus so much on the negative, but look to options to create a positive perspective.Journaling is a way for you to write out your fears and track those triggers closely. When you take action and face those fears, you are positioning yourself towards overcoming obstacles that are keeping you in bondage.Life is designed for us to grow. Once you completely understand what failure is and why we must experience it, you will open your mind and heart to experience the journey to success.Always SMILE...Sherill