An Attitude of Gratitude...

Welcome New Blog Followers!Have you taken a moment lately to check your attitude? On a weekly basis, we are faced with many ups and downs of life. Bad moods of anger, good moods of cheer. In either case, a positive attitude determines your day. A grateful heart is a cheerful camper. Having an attitude of gratitude is a mindset choice. Gratitude shifts your mindset to positive thinking. Of course, we all should want the best for our family and friends, a free life of worry and doubt and to wake up each morning, not facing the difficulties and struggles of life. Life happens. We can't control some things, but our attitude towards what we are faced, starts with our mindset.Energy is contagious. I have high energy! Although, I have been faced with many difficult seasons of life, there are many seasons where God's Grace and Mercy has kept me.  A blessing for me to be a blessing to others. Gratitude is contagious. It removes you from the woes of being in the complaining mode. Now, we all are guilty of complaining. Complaining about the weather, job concerns and children acting out, but if we open our eyes and change our mindset, we can grab some positive points to ponder on.Below are a few tips to having an attitude of gratitude:

  1. Start a Gratitude Journal.  A gratitude journal allows you to write and reflect on positive things you are grateful for. This is my evening recap of the day on paper. I Love It!
  2. Meditation. Try to meditate at least 15-30 minutes a day.  This allows for peace and stillness in giving thanks.
  3. Attitude Change. If you are constantly negative or bitter on a daily basis, it is time for an attitude adjustment. Take note of those triggers throughout the day.

When you are grateful, you tend to welcome positive factors and forces into your life. Start with you. Be the change you want to see.Always SMILE...Sherill


Happy March!!


Note To Self....