The Table Of Success

Hello, Smiling Faces!Hope each of you are having  great week thus far. I’m back from a wonderful, beach vacation with my family and I can say, it was right on time! Nothing like spending time with family; unplugging from career, business and hectic schedules.I often receive questions on success. From career, business to personal life victories. Truth to be told, Keep God, First! His timing is perfect. We can have all the goals on paper, certifications on the wall, but at the end of the day, prayer and faith is key. God’s timing is PERFECT!I am grateful to have a thriving, healthcare career and business that I love. I am so blessed! I’ve worked hard to climb the corporate ladder of success, but it didn’t come easy. I had to put in the work consistently and invest in myself. Confidence is key to your career success. Are you struggling in key areas in your career? Seek out a mentor. One that can provide you with sound guidance and clarity. Someone that you can trust in keeping in real. I’ve always had that “cheerleader spirit” with a SMILE, but sometimes you have to get out of your own way, to see where you can improve to reach higher altitudes.I remember there was a season, in my life of stagnant progression.  After my college years at Tennessee State University, prior to attending graduate school, I experienced a lot of questionable moments.  Success was happening to those around me or those I knew. I questioned my abilities and the direction of my life. I had to be willing to face and hear the hard truth. I had to get out of my feelings and embrace my current state, in working entry field level, gaining much experience as possible. I embraced small steps in learning my field and allowed those in leadership and mentoring roles, to provide me with direction. Sometimes, you have to do what you don’t want to do, to gain exposure needed for growth. Just because you graduate with a degree, it doesn’t guarantee you top dollars and instant success.  I was in my mid 20’s dreaming and wanting big things, but I had to take small steps along the way.We all have experienced that inner thought of not doing enough or wanting to be successful. I grasped hold to the knowledge poured into me, shadowing leaders in my field and made the decision to keep learning and growing.  Make a point to sit at the table with leaders, where you can learn and grow. I do not want to be the smartest at the table. You should always be in a position to learn from others. It is so important to embrace where you are, with a vision to work towards where you want to be. Learn to be happy for others and celebrate their achievements with them. Clap for those around you and support them on their endeavors. Your time will come...Trust me!On this journey of success in career and business, it is so important to network and build strong relationships and partnerships. I am so grateful to partner with organizations to serve others and don’t take for granted the opportunity to sit at the table of success. I am growing my brand and want to consistently provide services and tools representing my purpose, mission and vision.I had the opportunity a few weeks ago, to spend a weekend investing in myself and the lives of others. I was a Girl CEO Panelist for Beautiful Spirited Women (BSW) with other leading ladies, discussing business and success tips. The following day, was the “Women with a Passion” Empowerment Luncheon, where I was blessed to be seated at the table with other successful ladies. It was an awesome event with key speakers, entertainment and vendors. The colorful table setting shown here was over the top fabulous...with orange! Yes, my favorite color!I don’t have all the answers, but confident in what I bring to the table. Invest in your skills and sharpen your craft. I am always seeking ways to be a student. Learning is key. Always remember, you don’t want to be the smartest person at the table. Be willing to learn from others with a positive attitude.Here are a few tips on being successful:

  1. Be Authentic. Be who you are. Comparison is the thief of joy and will rob you from your success. Be who you are and opportunities will come.
  2. Creativity is key. This is one of my favorite tips to share. You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. Be unique in your execution of ideas and delivery.
  3. Be willing to learn. Learning is very important. Be willing to learn from others. New skills and communication, allows for improving your career or personal brand.
  4. Serve Others. We should all be in position to be of service to others. Leading is by helping others. Helping others grow, should be a top priority. If you can’t freely give of your time, to expand and help others, you are doing yourself an injustice.
  5.  Be Grateful. In all things. I have a gratitude journal, that I write in often. It’s so easy to get caught up in the fast lane, that you don’t stop to be grateful. You should be grateful for the small blessings, while striving for greater opportunities. Appreciate everything.

To achieve success, you must be willing to be focused, consistent and motivated. Identify your passions and pursue your purpose. You must have a vision for your life. Don’t shy away from creativity. I don’t know about you, but I want to be seated at the table where I can learn, evolve and grow.Always SMILE...Sherill 




Seasons of Life