You Are Enough

Welcome New Blog Followers!You. Are. Enough. Have you ever second guessed yourself or questioned your abilities? Have you been in a position where you felt not good enough? We all have been there at some point in time. I mean, it is so easy to be critical of our own self-worth. TODAY, NO MORE! I want you to start supporting yourself in words, in compliments, and in self-care.Learn to trust yourself and know that YOU ARE ENOUGH! This does not mean that you go out and remove all your trusted family and friends from your support circle, but simply to take ownership in being happy with who you are. If there are self changes that need to be made to strengthen your confidence, do it. There is no such thing as being perfect. We all have flaws, but make a personal commitment that you are enough and don't let anyone tell you anything differently.You are enough means that you are capable to change, grow, and be your authentic self. Be gentle with yourself. Don't compare yourself to others. You have something unique to share with others - Your God-Given Purpose.Always SMILE...Sherill


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