Great Expectations
Welcome New Blog Followers!Do you have Great Expectations? Dreams, hopes, and plans should position us to expect that great things will happen! You can't predict the future, but you can expect that great things will happen in your life. There are unpredictable things that will occur and you will not be able to avoid them. Sometimes, bad things happen to very good people. You will have to pray and press your way through it, in your timing. The process is so important.Don't spend to much time dwelling on negative things. You never know which door will offer new opportunities, so you have to always remain in a position of expectancy.What is the "Why" behind your goal or dream? Your goals and dreams should be bigger that your comfort zone. Take some time to reaffirm your goals. Do you feel excited about your life and the path you are on? Take risks...BOLD risks! I did and never imagined being where I am right now...on this day!Give yourself permission to expect great things. Don't live a mediocre life. Inspiration comes from within yourself. You have great things inside of you!Expect great things and great things will happen!Always SMILE...Sherill