Embrace The Moment...

Welcome New Blog Followers!I hope you are having a great weekend! Here in Tennesseee, rainy weather appears to have taken over outside enjoyment! The last couple of days, I have been on Cloud 99! I truly enjoyed speaking to the Boys and Girls Club in my hometown of Brownsville, Tennessee, followed by a book signing hosted by Main Street Brownsville. What an honor and I am SO Grateful! I truly appreciate all of the support!Life is full of wonderful and awesome opportunities beyond our wildest dreams. Don't stop dreaming and believing. Live life, enjoy life and embrace every moment. Stop and enjoy the wind blowing and stars shining on a perfect night. Embrace life, knowing God has a plan even when you cannot see it or understand. When life gets hard and challenges appear, God is still there. Challenges and setbacks groom you to be stronger. Enjoy Life. Live Life Daily. Embrace The Moment.Are you embracing life moments? Of course, there are goals on paper, planning in our minds and hope for the future; however we can do all these things and still enjoy each moment day by day.My challenge to you this week, is to breathe and embrace each moment. To make every moment count, we must embrace it.Always SMILE...Sherill  


Time Management Tips...


What Choices Are You Making?