Make It A Positive Week!!

Welcome New Blog Followers!!Happy Sunday! I hope you had a wonderful weekend! As you prepare for another week, invision it being a HaPpY one! Start each day with some form of positive motivation. Each morning, I start my day with prayer, a daily devotional, meditation, and giving thanks...oh and my green tea!! Some mornings, exercise is part of the routine, if not planned for the evenings.Did you know that planning your day allows for positive flow? When you wake up late, distracted, or irritated your daily duties or activities will suffer. I'm not saying you will avoid challenges, but you will be better equipped to face them head on. Read positive notes or inspirational quotes throughout the day to keep you encouraged. Reflect on positive things.Always remember, you cannot always control what comes your way, but you can control how you respond or act....Always SMILE...Sherill


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