Classroom Check-Up....

Welcome New Blog Followers!The New School Year has started! Homework assignments, tests, and studying can provide positive results with proper preparation. Most schools have sent home report cards or interim reports. This is a perfect opportunity to review your child's progress. Perhaps, your child may be struggling in a certain subject or having difficulties in certain areas. This is a perfect time for a "Classroom Check-Up" in reviewing those areas for special attention.If you think your child may be performing at a lower pace, speak with your child's teacher regarding performance improvements and suggestions.Here are a few "Classroom Check-Up" tips:

  1. Be clear and proactive at home regarding the importance of education.
  2. Maintain ongoing communication with your child's teacher.
  3. Focus on the top subjects needing improvement.
  4. Praise your child's progress along the way.
  5. Plan ahead.

Always SMILE...Sherill 


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