Plan To Paper...

Welcome New Blog Followers!!These past few days, I've been overly excited! I am so thankful and humbled to say I am now an AUTHOR!! Since July of last year, I've been determined, focused and dedicated to seeing this dream become a reality. Very soon, my short read of inspiration and motivation to youth will be available for purchase; as well as my book signing on November 15th, my 4oth Birthday!! If you are following me on social media, you know I am full of joy and excitement! This is my gift to me. Living My Dream. I appreciate your support via text messages, phone calls and email messages!With a few months left in the year, you still have time to make 2015 the year to step out and put your "Plan To Paper" in reaching your goals or dreams. You have to SEE it, to BELIEVE it. A written goal brings clarity and allows you to challenge yourself measuring your progress. You have to put forth a plan with timelines. There will be challenges, but you have to keep pressing forward. Remove the distractions and focus on your goal.While I was journaling and preparing for my book, there were many times I felt overwhelmed. Nothing worthwhile comes easy, it comes with hard work.  I've had some good days coupled with some bad days. Today, I feel blessed that I did not give up and place my dream to the side.What goals do you have? Are they written on paper?  If not, start today. Your time is NOW!Always SMILE...Sherill  


Don't Give Up!


Wednesday Motivation For Women!